Managing C-Section Scar Pain & Recovery

with Dr. Rebecca Maidansky, PT, DPT

This course is for anyone who had a c-section. It's both for those struggling with their recovery and experiencing discomfort regardless of how many weeks, months or years have passed since your c-section as well as for those looking for more comprehensive information and support around their postpartum recovery.


Managing C-Section Scar Pain & Recovery

This course is for anyone who had a c-section. It's both for those struggling with their recovery and experiencing discomfort regardless of how many weeks, months or years have passed since your c-section as well as for those looking for more comprehensive information and support around their postpartum recovery.


This is a 3 part program

pelvic floor PT austin, TX c-section scar recovery Lady Bird PT

Pain Management

This course teaches you pain management tools and techniques for the early weeks of post operative recovery, as well as tools you can implement in your day to day life months and years down the road to manage c-section scar sensitivity and pain.

pelvic floor PT austin, TX c-section scar recovery Lady Bird PT


When people experience pain, particularly pain that has lasted weeks, months or years, they tend to limit their activity. This program reintroduces movement as a tool to bring down your pain and lift your confidence up. Our program focuses on strengthening your glutes, core and balance while improving flexibility and mobility throughout your front body and hips.

pelvic floor PT austin, TX c-section scar recovery Lady Bird PT

Scar Massage & Desensitization

Every week of this program teaches you ne scar desensitization and massage techniques that you can use to reduce muscle guarding and sensitivity in the tissue surrounding your scar while improving scar mobility.

This program is for anyone:

  • experiencing c-section scar pain

  • interested in optimizing c-section scar recovery

  • not sure where to begin their c-section recovery

  • experiencing chronic c-section scar pain, defined as pain persisting past 3 months postpartum

  • who has developed an aversion to touching their scar

  • weeks, months or years postpartum ready to invest time in themselves and their c-section recovery

It is never too late to get started.


"This is an excellent course and should be considered for anyone who has a c section. There is such little information provided to help with recovery and this really breaks it down in simple manageable ways to regain strength and function but really easy tips to reduce pain and incorporate throughout your day. It’s a very thorough course that takes you through day one to 12 weeks post op. I would recommend to anyone who has a cesarean!"

"The only care info I got from my dr post emergency c-section was “take it easy”. He didn’t tell me how to care for myself or even that I shouldn’t be driving yet. I was going up and down the stairs and pushing myself way too hard in the first few weeks until one of my friends that had a c-section told me what I was/wasn’t supposed to be doing. I’m sure that’s a contributing factor to why I have lasting aches and pains 8 months postpartum. This course would have changed so much for me if I had it early on. I felt like we were given the cliff notes version of c-sections during our online birth classes, like they just went over what it was not what happens after. I was hurting, especially with an emergency c-section after a day of back labor in one position because baby was on the cord any other way. I assumed all of my weird hip and back pain was just carrying the baby or aftermath of pregnancy with a big ass baby. I just thought this was how I would feel now. I'm grateful for more information and tools to feel better!!"


Client Testimonials

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Total Investment: $150