The Lady Word
April Knowledge Drop
Answers to questions about tools to help manage pain with sex, pain management during pregnancy and VBAC preparation.
March Knowledge Drop
Answers to how milk production impacts estrogen levels and your pelvic health, whether or not we recommend belly binding and how to reduce the severity of perineal tearing during vaginal birth.
February Knowledge Drop
Can pregnancy make my prolapse worse?
Why do I have pain after sex but not during?
What are the best exercises for c-section recovery?
8 ways to manage Sacroiliac Joint pain during pregnancy
Sacroiliac joint pain is pain at the.. you guessed it! Sacroiliac joint! This joint is where the hip bone meets sacrum. SI joint pain is common during and following pregnancy due to postural changes, weight gain and strain of additional weight from the baby on the pelvis, as well as hormonal changes.