The Lady Word
Managing Your C-section scar in the Early postpartum weeks
1 in 3 people will have a cesarean birth, most of which are unplanned. This can leave people feeling lost, not knowing how to support their body through early recovery. This blog post will break down how to care for your scar during the fourth trimester, week by week.
C-section Scar Desensitization
Does the idea of performing scar massage or touching your c-section scar give you the ick?
Working on a c-section scar is an important part of scar tissue healing and can help prevent and treat adhesions and pain surrounding your cesarean scar, but what if scar massage feels like too big of a jump? In that case, scar desensitization is a great place to begin. This gentle technique allows you to progress at your own pace rather than barreling through fear and tissue sensitivity.
C-section Scar Massage
If your c-section scar is feeling uncomfortable, whether you’re weeks, months or years postpartum, c-section scar massage can help. This blog post will teach you my three favorite c-section scar massage techniques to use at home!